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Nymboi-Binderay National Park

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Nymboi-Binderay National Park offers spectacular scenery along the Nymboida River for experienced kayaking and white-water rafting enthusiasts. Camp out on a weekend trip.

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The Nymboida River runs through the heart of Nymboi-Binderay National Park, making it a popular destination for intrepid white-water rafters and kayakers. A short section of the river at Platypus Flat is suitable for swimming, otherwise the river is for experienced white-water paddlers only.

Although rafting is the best way to fully appreciate the park’s stunning beauty, Moonpar Forest drive offers an alternative option while experienced bushwalkers will love exploring the park’s landscape on foot along unmarked trails, through tallowwood trees and coachwood rainforest. It’s a great place to escape to nature for the weekend.

The stunning rainforests and extensive old forests in Nymboi-Binderay provide a habitat for a variety of threatened animals like the powerful owl, stuttering frog as well as the more common koala and kookaburra. Plus, amongst the park’s 55 metre tall eucalypts, you’ll discover the remnants of the early timber industry and historic days of the axe, crosscut saw and steam tramways.


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Saving Our Species program

Australia is home to more than 500,000 animal and plant species, many of which are found nowhere else in the world. Saving our Species is a statewide conservation program that addresses the growing number of Australian animals and Australian native plants facing extinction.

Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) in a tree. Photo: Courtesy of Taronga Zoo/OEH

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