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Lobster Beach bushcare

Bouddi National Park

Open, check current alerts 


Join up

A group of volunteers works in Bouddi National Park to reduce weed invasion and restore natural vegetation along the shore of Brisbane Water. Whether you live in the area or visit from time to time, you’re welcome to join in as a regular or occasional volunteer.

Bush regeneration, weed and pest management

Various times throughout the year. 

Medium. Steep stair access to beach
Join up

Help reduce weed invasion and restore natural vegetation in the blackbutt forest along this lovely part of NSW coastline. Particpate in volunteer work at Lobster Beach in Bouddi National Park.

Enjoy fresh air, scenic views, like-minded company and a bit of exercise while helping to protect Australian native plants.

Training in plant identification, weeding and planting will be provided. We also have an annual barbecue and boating day for all volunteers. NSW National Parks and Lobster Beach bushcare group look forward to having you along. Please contact us for more information on this exciting volunteering opportunity.

For directions, safety and practical information, see visitor info


Volunteer for bushfire recovery

Following this season's unprecedented bushfires, you can register your interest to help the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and the Saving our Species program rehabilitate and protect our threatened animals and plants.

Volunteers planting in Tomaree National Park. Photo: John Spencer/DPIE


Saving Our Species program

Australia is home to more than 500,000 animal and plant species, many of which are found nowhere else in the world. Saving our Species is a statewide conservation program that addresses the growing number of Australian animals and Australian native plants facing extinction.

Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) in a tree. Photo: Courtesy of Taronga Zoo/OEH