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School excursion

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It's gold!

Stage 3 (Years 5-6), History, Copeland Tops State Conservation Area

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Stage 3 History students will learn about the critical role national parks play in preserving our unique native plants, animals and rich cultural heritage. Learn about the long history of mining in the area and see where gold-hungry souls toiled in Mountain Maid gold mine – one of New South Wales’ longest-running operational gold mines.

Read more about It's gold!

Explore the significance of the environment at Copeland Tops State Conservation Area and the important interrelationships between humans and the environment. Walking along Copeland Creek, we’ll soak up the breath-taking scenery under a canopy of red cedar, grey myrtles, shatterwood and many more majestic rainforest species.

Discover the long history of mining in the area and see where gold-hungry souls toiled in Mountain Maid gold mine – one of New South Wales’ longest-running operational gold mines.

Students will learn about the critical role national parks play in preserving our unique native plants, animals and rich cultural heritage.

They’ll explore the significance of the environment at Copeland Tops State Conservation Area and the important interrelationships between humans and the environment. Walking along Copeland Creek, we’ll soak up the breathtaking scenery under a canopy of red cedar, grey myrtles, shatterwood and many more majestic rainforest species.

Uncover the mysterious wildlife that call this special place home, including microbats, brush-tailed possums and wompoo pigeons. You’ll discover what they eat, where they sleep and how they live in this incredibly diverse environment.

For program outline, safety and practical information about this excursion, see info for teachers

Stage Stage 3 (Years 5-6)
Learning area History
Student outcomes

HT3-1. Describes and explains the significance of people, groups, places and events to the development of Australia

HT3-2. Describes and explains different experiences of people living in Australia over time

HT3-5. Applies a variety of skills of historical inquiry and communication


Students will:

  • Step back in time to take a guided walk through a gold mine precinct at Copeland
  • Discover the fascinating history of this heritage site and the relationships people had with the environment
  • Investigate the historical discovery of gold at Copeland Tops State Conservation Area
  • Learn about gold, why it was sought after and how it became a valuable currency.


Excursion details

2-4 hr

$240 per group (includes GST) for 2 hours. Longer tours are available. Maximum 30 students per group. For groups over 30 conditions apply.

If you would like to organise a NPWS school excursion please get in touch with local staff or use the 'Enquire' link for the online form.
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