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Wamberal Lagoon Nature Reserve

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Wamberal Lagoon Nature Reserve was created in January 1981. It covers an area of 139ha. View the detailed park and fire management documents.

Wamberal Lagoon Nature Reserve is located on the NSW Central Coast about l0 km east of Gosford, between the regional centres of Terrigal and The Entrance. The reserve encompasses one of the best remaining examples of coastal lagoon, wetland and barrier dune on the Central Coast. Stands of undisturbed littoral rainforest, present in only a few other areas of the Central Coast, are also found in the reserve.

The reserve is regionally significant for protected migratory birds like the great egret, pacific golden plover, Latham’s snipe, bar-tailed godwit, red-necked stint, curlew sandpiper, and white-bellied sea eagle.

Over 90% of the catchment of Wamberal Lagoon lies outside the nature reserve, so protection of the lagoon depends on the co-operation of neighbours and Gosford City Council. while visitors are permitted in this park, there are some standard policies that apply.



Pets and domestic animals (other than certified assistance animals) are not permitted. Find out which regional parks allow dog walking and see the pets in parks policy for more information.


NSW national parks are no smoking areas.

These maps give a basic overview of park attractions and facilities, and may not be detailed enough for some activities. We recommend that you buy a topographic map before you go exploring.
