Birubi storytelling: Matjarr nguka biinba
Tomaree National Park
Watch our 2 minute intro story with Gerard Black

Speaker: Artist Gerard Black
Guudji Yiigu Yii Warrimayguba Barray Wanyimbu Wanyimbu. I say welcome, this is Worimi country, always.
Hi, my name is Gerard Black. I'm a proud Worimi man and artist of the artwork before you. The artwork is titled Matjarr nguka biinba.
In Gathang, my native language of the Worimi, this means give me your hand.
Give me your hand is me taking you on a journey. I'm handing out my hand for you, for you to hold on to, and I'll take you with me.
I created this artwork so that you could see through the eyes of our creator spirit Bayami, looking down from the dream time being able to see the landscapes and the land that you're standing on, through his eyes and perspective.
The artwork itself is orientated to the actual landmarks, so Mount Tomaree is facing towards Mount Tomaree.
A common belief between all of our people and ancestors is that the name Tomaree itself in a western construct and how it's pronounced is very similar to our word in Gathang, ‘Tomaree’ which means rainbow.
So the belief is that the name Tomaree comes from the waves crashing up against the cliffs and the sea spray going up into the sky and the sun shining through them. It’s been described to me as like 1000 rainbows at the cliff's edge.
What I'm trying to share with this artwork is, I’m trying to help people want to learn more, be taken out there by the traditional owners and told the stories by the people themselves. That's my ultimate goal with the artwork.
Hear Worimi artist Gerard Black describe his artwork
In this 2 minute audio piece, listen to Worimi artist Gerard Black describe the stories woven into the artwork named Matjarr nguka biinba. In Gathang language this means ‘Give me your hand’. And so, you are invited on a journey to learn more.
Birubi Point is a place of significance for Worimi People. It is a declared Aboriginal Place. Watch our video series as Worimi artist Gerard Black describes his artwork in this visually captivating series of stories themed around each part of the artwork. Learn about the Gathang meaning for the word ‘Tomaree’. Can you see the spiritual pathways, the fires at the centre of each circle, the dolphin tails, the scar trees, the corroboree, and Mount Tomaree?
Spiritual pathways
Ancestors and creation of the Worimi people
Scar trees
Also see
Birubi Point Aboriginal Place
Learn more about the culture of the Worimi People at Birubi Point Aboriginal Place in Tomaree National Park, near Anna Bay. Hear Worimi artist, Gerard Black, discuss his artwork titled Matjarr nguka biinba.