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School excursion

Special Offer

A dynamic ecosystem: Minnamurra Rainforest

Stage 6 (Years 11-12), Biology, Budderoo National Park

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Senior biology students will hone their skills on this Stage 6 (Years 11-12) fieldwork study at Minnamurra Rainforest in Budderoo National Park. They'll conduct fieldwork, gather data and identify distinguishing features of the rainforest.

Read more about A dynamic ecosystem: Minnamurra Rainforest

This school excursion provides a unique opportunity for students to use a variety of fieldwork sampling techniques. Students will gather diverse data and obtain a solid understanding of this fragile and important ecosystem.

This biology excursion is designed to support Module 3 (Biological diversity) and Module 4 (Ecosystem dynamics) of the syllabus, and contributes 5 hours towards a depth study.

For program outline, safety and practical information about this excursion, see info for teachers

Stage Stage 6 (Years 11-12)
Learning area Biology
Student outcomes

BIO11/12-7. Communicates scientific understanding using suitable language and terminology for a specific audience or purpose

BIO11-10. Describes biological diversity by explaining the relationship between a range of organisms in terms of specialisation for selected habitats and evolution of species

BIO11-11. Analyses ecosystem dynamics and the interrelationships of organisms within the ecosystem


Students will:

  • Identify some of the distinguishing features of the rainforest as a local ecosystem
  • Use scientific instruments to measure some abiotic factors in the rainforest
  • Observe the plants and animals that live in the rainforest
  • Discuss how rainforest species have adapted to their environment
  • Measure and record abundance and distribution of species using a transect and quadrats
  • Identify some of the relationships between rainforest species, including predation, competition and symbiosis.
  • Use scientific equipment to measure a range of abiotic factors relevant to the ecosystem, such as temperature, humidity, salinity, soil pH, water pH, sunlight intensity, wind speed and direction.
  • Observe and summarise impacts of human activity on the ecosystem

Key inquiry questions:

  • How do adaptations increase the organism's ability to survive?
  • What effect can one species have on the other species in a community?
  • How can human activity impact on an ecosystem?

Excursion details

Guided. Available on request. Different length programs are available upon consultation.
2-5 hr
Easy. Fieldwork will take place along river beside the rainforest path.

Minimum $550 per group for up to 25 students, $22 per student (includes GST).

No wheelchair access
Meeting point
Minnamurra Rainforest Centre
Yes. Worksheet masters, pre and post-activity resources, and additional references will be provided on booking.
If you would like to organise a NPWS school excursion please get in touch with local staff or use the 'Enquire' link for the online form.
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Park info

  • in Budderoo National Park in the South Coast and Country NSW regions
  • Budderoo National Park is always open but may have to close at times due to poor weather or fire danger. The park gates at Minnamurra Rainforest Centre open at 9am and close at 5pm every day.

  • Park entry fees:

    $12 per vehicle per day only in the Minnamurra Rainforest area. Bus or taxi: $4.40 per adult and $2.20 per child.

    Buy annual pass
See more info for teachers