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School excursion

Special Offer

Protecting a rainforest environment: Minnamurra

Stage 2 (Years 3-4), Geography, Budderoo National Park

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Join us as we explore the earth’s environment on this Stage 2 (Years 3-4) geography excursion at Minnamurra Rainforest in Budderoo National Park. Students will investigate the rainforest's climate, natural vegetation and native animals.

Read more about Protecting a rainforest environment: Minnamurra

There are many opportunities for students to experience the wonders of Minnamurra Rainforest on this school excursion in Budderoo National Park. Students will go on a guided rainforest walk and take part in sensory activities. They'll collect field work data in the rainforest and during a bug hunt. As they explore, they'll identify sustainable practices while considering the significance of the rainforest.

This excursion has been designed to support the K-10 Earth’s Environment geography syllabus.

For program outline, safety and practical information about this excursion, see info for teachers

Stage Stage 2 (Years 3-4)
Learning area Geography
Student outcomes

GE2-1. Examines features and characteristics of places and environments

GE2-2. Describes the ways people, places and environments interact

GE2-3. Examines differing perceptions about the management of places and environments

GE2-4. Acquires and communicates geographical information using geographical tools for inquiry


Students will:

  • Take a guided walk through a rainforest
  • Observe and identify some of the plants and animals living in the rainforest and the relationships between them
  • Identify sustainable practices
  • Investigate the way people value national parks
  • Discuss who organises and manages places like Minnamurra, and why these national parks are so important.
  • Observe the human impact on the rainforest and how this can be managed

Key inquiry questions:

  • How does the environment support the lives of people and other living things?
  • How do different views about the environment influence approaches to sustainability?
  • How can people use places and environments more sustainably?
  • What are the features and uses of Minnamurra Rainforest?
  • What animals live in Minnamurra Rainforest?
  • How is Minnamurra Rainforest valued and how can we sustainably protect it in the future?

Excursion details


Weekdays during school terms

2hrs 30min
Easy. Students progress along a path and board walk. Activities are along the walk, in picnic areas and the edges of the forest.

Minimum $350 per group for up to 25 students, $14 per student (includes GST).

No wheelchair access
Meeting point
Minnamurra Rainforest Centre
If you would like to organise a NPWS school excursion please get in touch with local staff or use the 'Enquire' link for the online form.
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Park info

  • in Budderoo National Park in the South Coast and Country NSW regions
  • Budderoo National Park is always open but may have to close at times due to poor weather or fire danger. The park gates at Minnamurra Rainforest Centre open at 9am and close at 5pm every day.

  • Park entry fees:

    $12 per vehicle per day only in the Minnamurra Rainforest area. Bus or taxi: $4.40 per adult and $2.20 per child.

    Buy annual pass
See more info for teachers