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School excursion

Special Offer

The Earth's environment

Stage 2 (Years 3-4), Geography, Tomaree National Park

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Join The Earth's environment Geography excursion for Stage 2 (Years 3-4) students at Tomaree National Park, near Port Stephens. They'll discover how NSW National Parks safeguards over 10 per cent of land in NSW.

Read more about The Earth's environment

Students will learn about the critical role that NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) plays in conserving our unique native plants, animals and rich cultural heritage.

They'll explore the significance of the environment at Tomaree National Park, and the important inter-relationships between humans and nature. They'll discover the native plants and animals along the Tomaree Head Summit walking track. They'll also view the historic World War II gun emplacements.

Students will learn about the history and culture of the Aboriginal people and their relationship with Country. 

They'll delve into the key roles that NPWS personnel hold in conserving and protecting wildlife, culture and heritage.

For program outline, safety and practical information about this excursion, see info for teachers

Stage Stage 2 (Years 3-4)
Learning area Geography
Student outcomes

GE2-1. Examines features and characteristics of places and environments

GE2-2. Describes the ways people, places and environments interact

GE2-3. Examines differing perceptions about the management of places and environments


Students will:

  • Use mud maps to identify features of a national park
  • Understand Aboriginal connection to Country
  • Identify plants, animals and invertebrates and investigate their role in an ecosystem
  • Learn about the various management roles in a national park and how these contribute to conserving environment, heritage and culture.

Excursion details


Weekdays during school term.

2-4 hr
Hard. There are uneven and undulating surfaces and steps.

$380 per class (maximum 30 students)

No wheelchair access
Meeting point
Zenith Beach carpark, at the end of Shoal Bay Road.
If you would like to organise a NPWS school excursion please get in touch with local staff or use the 'Enquire' link for the online form.
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