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Mutawintji National Park joint management program

Located in semi-arid lands near Broken Hill, Mutawintji National Park, Mutawintji Historic Site and Mutawintji Nature Reserve are all rich in Aboriginal history and culture. NSW National Parks and the Mutawintji Board of Management are working together to ensure their preservation.

Read more about Mutawintji National Park joint management program

The Aboriginal history and cultural values of Mutawintji National Park, Mutawintji Historic Site and Mutawintji Nature Reserve are significant, home to renowned art sites and many other important cultural sites. In 1998 all three areas were transferred to Mutawintji Aboriginal Land Council to hold, on behalf of the Aboriginal owners. They were then leased back to NSW National Parks.

The Mutawintji Board of Management, comprising a majority of Aboriginal owners, is responsible for the care, control and management of the areas.

The board develops annual works programs for projects such as the yellow footed rock-wallaby recovery plan. Other conservation efforts include protecting cultural sites, upgrading infrastructure, designing and constructing viewing platforms to protect art sites, and providing cultural tours.

The board has prepared a new plan of management for Mutawintji, to incorporate the community's needs and protect this sacred land for future generations.

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