Mermaid Pools

Arakoon National Park

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Mermaid Pools is closed to visitors because it's extremely unsafe for swimming. Many people have been seriously injured here. The pools are located near South West Rocks and Trial Bay in Arakoon National Park.

Mermaid Pools is unsafe for visitors because of the extreme nature of the surf and tide at this location. Sudden large swells and tides often create large waves that wash over the rocks and pools. 

The area leading to the pools is permanently closed. There is no public access and no approved walking track to reach Mermaid Pools. There is no lifeguard service in this area and access for emergency services is extremely difficult.

Only swim at beaches with access tracks and visitor facilities. If you’re keen for a swim, try nearby Trial Bay and Front Beach instead.

Use caution if you’re rock fishing from nearby rock platforms. Never turn your back on the ocean and be sure to follow fishing safety advice.

These maps give a basic overview of park attractions and facilities, and may not be detailed enough for some activities. We recommend that you buy a topographic map before you go exploring.

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Mermaid Pools is in Arakoon National Park. Here are just some of the reasons why this park is special:

Abundant bird life

Little Bay, Arakoon National Park. Photo: Michael Van Ewijk

Birds are abundant in Arakoon National Park. In wetland areas, you might see black swans, egrets, herons and spoonbills. On the heath, there are fantails, wrens, honeyeaters and quails. Hawks, falcons, ospreys and eagles soar above the cliffs and forage along the beaches. During the spring, when the she-oaks produce fruit, glossy black cockatoos come in to feed on the ripe seeds. Despite its small size, Arakoon harbours several threatened species, including the osprey and glossy black cockatoo. You're also likely to spot wallabies and echidnas, and the nocturnal brush-tailed phascogales and sugar gliders. During September and October, you can often see humpback whales just offshore, on their return journey to Antarctica.

Fascinating heritage

 Trial Bay Gaol, Arakoon National Park. Photo: David Finnegan

Dating from 1886, Trial Bay Gaol is a unique example of a public works prison. It was also used as an internment camp in World War I and today the ruins continue to intrigue visitors. It'll take you about an hour to wander through the gaol and the museum. The region has high cultural and spiritual significance to the local Dunghutti people.

  • Bridle trail Bridle Trail walking track is an easy short walk offering a glimpse of the historic heritage of Trial Bay Gaol in Arakoon National Park near Kempsey.
  • Friends of Trial Bay Gaol The historic ruins of Trial Bay Gaol, in Arakoon National Park on the NSW Mid North Coast, are a significant heritage area. Friends of Trial Bay Gaol invite you to volunteer to help in the protection and promotion of this amazing piece of local history, especially during the annual Sculpture in the Gaol.
  • Heritage detectives Help unlock mysteries of the past while exploring historic Trial Bay Gaol from top to bottom. Who were the prisoners and where did they came from? What crimes did they commit to deserve their punishment and what work they carry out in captivity?
  • History mysteries Explore the old granite gaol at Trial Bay and help to unlock mysteries of the past on the History Mysteries school excursion. This is a Stage 2 (Years 3-4) excursion to Arakoon National Park, focusing on History.
  • Monument Hill walking track Featuring stunning coastal views, the easy Monument Hill walk takes in the historic monument built for German gaol internees before finishing at Little Bay picnic area.
  • Powder Magazine walking track Powder Magazine walking track is a short walk near Trial Bay, in Arakoon National Park, offering scenic views and historic heritage.
  • Trial Bay Gaol For a glimpse into Australian history, head to South West Rocks to explore the historic ruins of Trial Bay Gaol in Arakoon National Park. Make sure you see the view from the sentry’s lookout.
  • Trial Bay Gaol twilight tour Explore Trial Bay Gaol by twilight with an NPWS guide by your side. Discover what life was like for prisoners as you watch the sun set in beautiful Arakoon National Park, South West Rocks.
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Ideal family getaway

Trial Bay Gaol Discovery tour, Arakoon National Park. Photo: Rob Cleary/Seen Australia

Arakoon National Park is in a magnificent natural setting with a spectacular coastline. There are coastal walks with wonderful views and places to picnic and excellent beachside camping and cottage accommodation. If you’re looking for a place to swim and snorkel, head to sheltered Trial Bay and the kiosk is nearby if you’re looking for a relaxed lunch or dinner. The picnic area at Little Bay is popular with young families, offering barbecues and a large grassed area for games.

  • Front Beach Front Beach offers family friendly options including swimming, paddling, liloing and picnicking in Arakoon National Park on the mid North Coast of NSW.
  • Little Bay picnic area Little Bay, a popular beach picnic spot near South West Rocks on the north coast where you’ll find shaded tables and a kangaroo or two.

Scenic headlands

Monument Hill walking track, Arakoon National Park. Photo: David Finnegan

The Smoky Cape Adamellite which forms Little Smoky and the Arakoon peninsula is significant as the only coastal outcropping of granite between Bundaberg in Queensland and Moruya Heads in southern NSW. It was used to construct the prison. The naturally vegetated hillslopes of Arakoon form a scenic backdrop to Trial Bay and the popular holiday town of South West Rocks.

  • 2-day Port Macquarie motorcycle adventure Enjoy superb scenery as you ride through Arakoon National Park and beyond on this guided adventure with Endeavour Motorcycle Tours, near Port Macquarie.
  • Bridle trail Bridle Trail walking track is an easy short walk offering a glimpse of the historic heritage of Trial Bay Gaol in Arakoon National Park near Kempsey.
  • Heritage detectives Help unlock mysteries of the past while exploring historic Trial Bay Gaol from top to bottom. Who were the prisoners and where did they came from? What crimes did they commit to deserve their punishment and what work they carry out in captivity?
  • Mermaid Pools Mermaid Pools is closed to visitors because it's extremely unsafe for swimming. Many people have been seriously injured here. The pools are located near South West Rocks and Trial Bay in Arakoon National Park.
  • Monument Hill walking track Featuring stunning coastal views, the easy Monument Hill walk takes in the historic monument built for German gaol internees before finishing at Little Bay picnic area.

Traditional lands of Dunghutti people

Monument Hill walking track, Arakoon National Park. Photo: Barbara Webster

The region surrounding Arakoon National Park has high cultural and spiritual significance to the local Dunghutti people. There are numerous Aboriginal sites within the park of great spiritual and cultural significance, with dreaming stories and cultural learning part of them, still passed on today. These include middens, stone arrangements and spiritual sites. We work with local Aboriginal communities to protect this rich culture.

Plants and animals protected in this park


  • White-bellied sea eagle. Photo: John Turbill

    White-bellied sea eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster)

    White-bellied sea eagles can be easily identified by their white tail and dark grey wings. These raptors are often spotted cruising the coastal breezes throughout Australia, and make for some scenic bird watching. Powerful Australian birds of prey, they are known to mate for life, and return each year to the same nest to breed.

  • Humpback whale breaching. Photo: Dan Burns

    Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)

    The humpback whale has the longest migratory path of any mammal, travelling over 5000km from its summer feeding grounds in Antarctica to its breeding grounds in the subtropics. Its playful antics, such as body-rolling, breaching and pectoral slapping, are a spectacular sight for whale watchers in NSW national parks.

  • Swamp wallaby in Murramarang National Park. Photo: David Finnegan

    Swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor)

    The swamp wallaby, also known as the black wallaby or black pademelon, lives in the dense understorey of rainforests, woodlands and dry sclerophyll forest along eastern Australia. This unique Australian macropod has a dark black-grey coat with a distinctive light-coloured cheek stripe.

  • Echidna. Photo: Ken Stepnell

    Short-beaked echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus)

    One of only 2 egg-laying mammals in the world, the short-beaked echidna is one of the most widespread of Australian native animals. Covered in spines, or quills, they’re equipped with a keen sense of smell and a tube-like snout which they use to break apart termite mounds in search of ants.

Environments in this park

Education resources (1)

School excursions (2)