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FreshWater Watch

Of all the challenges facing the world today, water supply is one of the most pressing. FreshWater Watch is a global research project that aims to involve 100,000 people in a citizen science program that will research quality and supply – all in the name of protecting freshwater for future generations.

Read more about FreshWater Watch

Despite its importance for survival, less than 1 per cent of the world’s freshwater is readily accessible. As it stands today, nearly 800 million people in the world are without access to safe water. By 2050, nearly half of the world’s population will be living in areas where water is limited.

FreshWater Watch research is taking place in 25 cities and involves some of the world’s most laudable NGOs – Earthwatch, WaterAid, and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) – working together under the HSBC Water Programme, a $100 million partnership. The citizen science component that drives this project, with regular people taking an active role in gathering scientific data and feeding it into a massive database that will eventually cover more than 35,000 locations and ecosystems. This information is invaluable – scientists expect it to make a huge contribution to the protection of water quality and supply in our environment.

To get involved, please visit the Water Hub website to become a FreshWater Watcher.